Program - Molecular Plasmonics 2015
Thursday, May 7
Scala Restaurant (downtown)
07:00 pm Get-together & Dinner Lecture by Uwe Kreibig
Friday, May 8
IPHT, Campus Beutenberg
09:00 am Opening & Novel Approaches (Wolfgang Fritzsche)
Itamar Willner (The Hebrew University of Jerusa) New Hybrid Plasmonic Nanostructures and Their Applications

André Dathe (IPHT Jena) Electrically-Driven Plasmon Resonances in Nanostructures: A new Tool for Biosensing

Emiliano Cortes (Imperial College London) Super-resolution imaging with plasmonic nanoparticles

Hannah Heil (B-CUBE TU Dresden) Optical near-field scanning using self-propelled quantum dot sensors
= break =
11:00 am Interactions (Marc Lamy de la Chapelle)
Maria Dienerowitz (Universitätsklinikum Jena) Attraction and Repulsion: switching the optical force for plasmonic nanoparticles

Shuichi Hashimoto (University of Tokushima) Plasmonic heating of single gold nanoparticles at multi-interfaces

Thorsten L. Schmidt (Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden) Towards plasmonic waveguides self-assembled on DNA scaffolds

Ilko Bald (University of Potsdam, BAM Berlin) DNA origami based plasmonic nanostructures for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)

= lunch =
01:30 pm Theory/Interactions (Jussi Toppari)
Mark I. Stockman (Georgia State University) Latest Progress in Spasers

J. Michael Köhler (Technische Universität Ilmenau)Single Electron Excitation versus Plasmon: Different Sights to the Optical Resonance of Triangular Silver Nanoparticles

Elena Ishow (Nantes) High-density photo- and magneto-active hybrid core-shell nanoassemblies

Ventsislav K. Valev (University of Bath) Chiroptical effects from plasmonic nanostructures with optical Second Harmonic Generation (SHG)
= Poster talks & poster session =
05:00 pm Excursion
07:00 pm Dinner
Saturday, May 9
IPHT, Campus Beutenberg
09:10 am SERS (Janina Kneipp)
Adrian Keller (University of Paderborn) Metallization of Phospholipid Nanodiscs for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering

Marina Gühlke (Humboldt-Universität Berlin) Examination of different silver nanostructures for near infrared excited surface-enhanced Raman and hyper-Raman scattering

Marc Lamy de la Chapelle (Université Paris) Nano-plasmonics tuned “click chemistry” monitored in situ by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

Zhenglong Zhang (IPHT Jena) Localized plasmonic catalysis by SERS and TERS

= break =
11:15 am Plasmonic coupling (Itamar Willner)
Jussi Toppari (University of Jyväskylä) Dynamics of strongly coupled surface plasmons and molecular excitations

Vamsi K. Komarala (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Trinity College Dublin) Enhanced emission and accelerated nanoscale energy transportation between quantum dots using Au nanoparticles’ surface plasmons

Jussi Toppari (University of Jyväskylä) Dynamics of strongly coupled surface plasmons and molecular excitations

G. Schaffernak (University of Graz) Strong coupling of two metal nanoparticles

Marija Gasparic (University of Graz) Quantum Dots Placed in the Gap of Plasmonic Nanoparticle Dimers

1 pm End of the scientific programm & lunch

Poster presentations
Ching-Fu Chen (National Taiwan University)
High sensitivity nanophotonic sensor based on vertical split-ring resonator

Youngeun Choi (University of Potsdam, BAM Berlin)
DNA coated metal nanoparticles with tailored optical properties

Ricardo Franco (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Highly efficient Plasmonic Nanostructured Surfaces for ultra-sensitive detection of trace analytes by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

Frank Garwe (IPHT Jena)
Nanoparticles for Window Integrated Solar Collector (WISC)

Fatih N. Gür (Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden)
Towards plasmonic waveguides self-assembled on DNA scaffolds

Christian Heck (University of Potsdam, BAM Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
Gold nanolenses on DNA origami substrates for surface-enhanced Raman scattering

Jacqueline Jatschka (IPHT Jena)
Real-Time DNA Detection on a Plasmonic Nanoparticle Spot

Pavel Kliuiev (University of Zurich))
Description and influence of the IR probe field in attosecond spectroscopy of solid surfaces

Laura Mann (University of Mainz)
Specific Detection of Molecules with Nano-SPR

Virginia Merk (Humboldt-Universität Berlin)
Design and characterization of new nanostructured surfaces as planar SERS sensors

Sophie Patze (IPHT / Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
Detection of environmental harmful substances by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)

Julia Prinz (University of Potsdam)
DNA Origami Substrates Functionalized with Au-Ag-core-shell nanoparticles for Highly Sensitive Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering

Andreea Radu (IPHT / Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
Application of plasmonic nanostructures in food analysis

Martin Sajfutdinow (IZI Leipzig)
DNA-templated fabrication of nanoarrays on hard condensed matter

Janne Simonen (University of Jyvaskyla)
Light coupling into planar waveguides by plasmonic nanoparticles

Pushkar Singh (IPHT / Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
Differences between SERS and TERS

Matthias Thiele (IPHT Jena)
Microfluidics encounters nanoparticles - reforming the synthesis of plasmonic active nanomaterials

Steffen Trautmann (IPHT / Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
Theoretical investigation of field enhancement at plasmonic near-field probes

Wei-Yi Tsai (National Taiwan University)
Magnetic Fano resonance in three dimensional metamolecule

Verena Wulf (University of Mainz)
Size-exclusive protein adsorption on plasmonic gold nanoparticles measured via optical dark-field spectroscopy

David Zopf (IPHT Jena)
Fourier Transform Imaging Spectrometer for the parallel Readout of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR)

Zhiyang Zhang (Humboldt-Universität Berlin)
SERS characterization of photo-induced dimerization