Meeting Focus

The meeting focuses on bioanalytical and nanophotonic applications of plasmonic effects at nanoscale metal structures, utilizing the phenomenon of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR).


The meeting will start Thursday May 23 night, and will end Saturday May 25 at around noon. However, on May 23, noon, a preceding DNA Nanotechnology workshop will take part at the Leibniz-IPHT, open to all participants.

Scientific Committee

Itamar Willner (Jerusalem)
Fernando Stefani (Buneos Aires)
Markus Raschke (Boulder)
Wolfgang Fritzsche (Jena)

Abstract Submission

Please submit your abstract electronically (Word document, 1 page, indicate talk or poster preference) until April 12, 2019.


The conference will take place at the Leibniz Institute of Photonics Technology, Albert-Einstein-Str. 9, 07745 Jena, Germany.

Travel Information

Jena is situated in the centre of Germany and its infrastructure is very well connected in all points of the compass. Whether you are travelling by plane, train or car, there are many comfortable ways to travel short distances.

How to participate?

Do you want to attend at our conference and present your work? Please use the following forms to register and submit your abstract.